
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My NASA coloring

This year I learnt about space and I made this NASA coloring on Google arts and culture.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Symmetry art

 This is symmetry art.

My Alex Rider story

 Alex Rider was on the 9th spy mission and heading to New Zealand. He had been travelling for 5 hours until he had finally arrived.

When Alex got off the plane he was greeted by a strange man who  said  I am Kim jong un and you are Alex Rider. Yes I am your forest ranger. I will do as you command. Ok I will take you to the forest in my car then you will receive your instructions. During the car ride Kim jong un told Alex about the other forest rangers. 

When Alex arrived at the forest Kim Jong- un told him that he had to find 7 special ingredients. The first one was called gropey gorge grass which makes the bomb more powerful and it is very rare. The only way to find it is to pick 5 bits of grass and one of them will be gropey gorge grass. You need 76 pieces. So Alex went to a grass paddock and started picking. It was very dull work after 7 hours he had finished.

Alex went back to Kim Jong- un and told him that he had got all 76 pieces of gropey gorge. Kim jong un was very happy with him and told him that he can come and watch how he put the ingredients in the nuclear bomb. Alex said he didn't want to see so Kim Jong Un said he could have some free time. So Alex went to do a bit of poking around when kim jong un went to the nuclear bomb Alex followed him and learnt how to unplug it. When he knew he called MI6 Jones answered and Alex told her what he had found out. Jones sent a army with 17 spies when they got there Alex showed  them how to stop the nuclear bomb. They thanked him and told him to leave. Alex went back to the plane and sat down while the spies were at work. It only took them 10 minutes but they had to escape and that took them about 1 hour because kim jong un came to check on the bomb so they had to do it up again. Once they were done they went back to MI6, another mission done.

2 days later Alex was a normal school boy again. Forbidden to tell a soul.

Friday, November 26, 2021

My maths poster

 My math problem

This is the link to my maths problem.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

My percentage art

 During maths time today I made this percentage art I made a digital one and one on paper.   

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My maths problem

 My math problem

This is the link for my math problem.

Monday, November 22, 2021

5 top tips on what makes a good friend

I made 5 top tips on what makes a good friend using canva.

Here is the link

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My math Animation

 This is my math Animation

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

My alien pixel art

I made a alien pixel art on a google sheet for CRT.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

My math powtoon

This is the link to my math powtoon

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dental hygiene

This is my poster about dental hygiene.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

My scuba diving story


One day on Easter island 2 people could be found scuba diving they were Adolf Hitler and his wife. They were looking around for anything  interesting  when a statue of a person came out of the ground then they saw a twinkle of green light. They went over to see what was there and then found it a hole pile of emeralds. He went over for a closer look and then six men popped out of the statue.

Suddenly he found himself wearing handcuffs  and getting dragged up to the surface. Then the six men pulled them onto the boat and tied them together. Just then a thought popped into his head it was his fault they had got captured he had gone closer to the emeralds it had been a trap.

Finally they were taken to shore put in the back of a truck and driven away. The truck stopped and one of the men took him to a building with a sign saying jail. He was waiting in the seating area when a guard came and took him to a cell. Then the guard told him that someone would come to see him. When the person came he said his name was Jack and said he was here to kill him. One shot of a bullet and he was dead. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

My math problem

 Maeve had 167 dollars and goes to the shop to buy a pair of shoes the shoes are 200$ how much more money does she need to buy the shoes?

Thursday, October 21, 2021


 Maeve went to the shoe shop and found a pair of shoes for 600$ then she went back anothe day and there was a sale 40% off how much did Maeve buy her shoes for?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

My math problem

 Maeve had 154 Lego bricks and Evie had 123 how many do they have altogether?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

This is my space settlement slide show


This is my space settlement slide show it is where we made and planned to make our space settlement.

This is my six sentence story

 Once upon a time there was a 24 year old race car driver. He lived in a crowded city on the edge of China. He was the finest race car driver the world had ever seen. One day on the biggest race of all times he was practicing and two race cars came out of nowhere and smashed into him. He felt sad and angry at the people that crashed into him. He lost a leg then became the best Paralympic race car driver ever.   

Monday, September 27, 2021

My Dad

 My dads name is Ryan and he works for the court. When my dad runs marathons he always smells and is covered  in the strongest smelling sweat. He has no hair on his head but has a brownish beard. When dad goes to work he wears a shirt. Did you know that he can run like the wind and is as tall as a tree. His eyes are as blue as diamonds and as bright as them to. Did you know my dad likes mowing the lawns.  

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My marble roll

 This morning for CRT I made a marble roll. My buddies where Maeve and Jt. We had to make a structure that could roll a marble at least 3 meters. We used 5 pieces of newsprint paper, 2 pieces of A4 paper and 1 meter of tape. Our marble  rolled 3 meters Next time I would make the ramp bigger. Have you ever made a marble roll?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

The life cycle of a box part 4

After the puppet show I decided to turn the box into a marble run. To turn it into a marble

run I collected lots of boxes and folded them and stuck them on the sides of the box. Once the marble run was done I got a container and put 3 different sized cups in it. If the marble fell in the container then you would get 10 points if it fell in the biggest cup then you would get 50 points the next cup you would get 75 points and the final cup you would get 100 points. You got ten marbles to try and get the highest score. The highest score I got was 310.

Monday, August 30, 2021

The life cycle of a box part 3

 Once I got bored of the restaurant I turned the box into a puppet show. To turn it into a puppet show I attached some curtains and then painted it brown, yellow, red and black. When I finished decorating the box me and my brothers made a script and put on the show. I made two shows with puppets. We made the puppets ourself out of socks. On my puppet I made a top hat, teeth, a tongue and eyes. My puppets name is Farmer brown and is a black sock.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

The life cycle of a box part 2

 I finished using the box as a play house and turned it into a restaurant. To turn the box into a restaurant I flipped it up on its side and then cut a hole into the side facing out then folded a bit out and put chairs under it to make a table. Next I folded the other flap up to make the roof. Then I cut a flap into the back to get the food from the kitchen. I created a menu then went around to collect peoples orders. After that I made their food and then they came when I called out their number. Then they gave me a star rating out of 5. I got 4.5.

The life cycle of a box part 1

 The day before lockdown my family got a new couch which came with a massive box! So we turned it into a playhouse by cutting two flaps at the sides so we could get in and it would still close. When the playhouse was done we played shadow puppets on the wall because it was still dark. I leant how to make a dog on the wall with my hands. I put a sleeping bag and some balls in the playhouse. Me and my brother made a line down the middle so we had our own sides. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The scavenger hunt

 During lockdown I made a scavenger hunt for my dad and brother. It was just in my house but was pretty hard! I made the clues myself and hid them in unusual places. It was fun to create the clues and then watch my dad and brother try work them out.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My math problem

Maeve had 1034 lego bricks and Evie had 576 lego bricks how many do they have altogether?

Monday, August 9, 2021


 Maeve had 789 blocks of chocolate if 5 of her friends wanted to share all the blocks of chocolate how many would they get each?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My math problem

 If Maeve had 124 Lego bricks and Jt had 1236 how many would there be altogether?

Friday, July 30, 2021

My flappy bird game

I made this flappy bird game using coding. 

flappy bird game

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The tower challenge

 Today me Evie, Maeve and Jt did a tower challenge we built the tallest tower. Our tower was 1 metre 16 cm. Here are some photos of constructing the tower and when it was finished.     

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

New Zealand Migration

 These are some big moment's from New Zealand history. Like the Treaty of Waitangi, Early Polynesian Navigators arriving and the Early European Migration.

New Zealand was discovered by the  Early Polynesian Navigators between the years 1270-1300. Early Polynesian Navigators used the sun, stars, birds and wave currents to sail to New Zealand. They started to explore around 1500 in the double hulled vaka.  

The Treaty of Waitangi  was an agreement between the Maori chiefs and the British Empire. Hone Heke was the first Maori chief to sign the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty of Waitangi was first signed on the 6th of February 1840. Over 500 Maori chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty of Waitangi was first signed at Waitangi then all around New Zealand. When the British came to New Zealand they stole the Maoris land and sovereignty.

Early European settlers came to New Zealand for two main reasons, the Otago Gold Rush and for more space and more land. The Early European settlers made a difficult muddy journey across the bridal path. It took 6 weeks to sail to New Zealand from England in the 1860's. When the Early Settlers came to New Zealand there was no resting it was just work.      

There were lot's of big moment's in New Zealand history. That shaped the New Zealand that we live in today.


Thursday, July 1, 2021


 Maeve had 100 Lego sets and in each of the Lego sets there were 50 pieces of Lego  how many pieces of Lego are there all together?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Do you want to do some math?

 Maeve had 50 friends she wanted to give them some lollies she had 100 lollies how many lollies does her friends get each?

Friday, June 25, 2021

The most outrages reason school is finishing early is because...

 The most outrages reason school is finishing early is because lions have came charging into the school and swallowed more then half of the teachers the school is a wreak what shall we do? Maybe close down the school I'm not sure what we will do with all of the kids? The principal is gone she does not know what has just happened maybe I should call her? I am the only teacher left padlocked in the class room with more then 500 kids. All the kids are fighting oh here some come to fight me ahhhhh. I don't know what to do I think I have gone crazy!


Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Maeve had 12 friends all of her friends had 6 lollies how many lollies do the have all together?

My interview with hone heke


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

My math problem

Maeve had 12 friends they all had 4 lollies each how many lollies do the have altogether?

Friday, June 18, 2021


 Maeve ate 698 lollies and Jt ate 396 how many have aten all together 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My math problem

 Maeve had 10 lollys she had 10 friends she wanted to give one lolly to each friend how many lollies does she have now?

Friday, June 11, 2021

How the early polynesians come to New Zealand

This is my legend of how the early polynesians came to New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

My math problem

 If Maeve had 100 lego cars and she wanted to drop 40 down the hill how many does she have all together?

Friday, May 28, 2021


Here is the link for my kiwiana quiz

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Early settler life

 27 July 1860

The ship ride to New Zealand was uncomfortable because I had no space. We almost ran out of food but luckily we got there in time.

The jobs on the farm are things like washing, hunting, fishing and making things like soap.  In most house holds here the women do the inside jobs and the men do the outside ones but on small farms sometimes the men and women do both the inside and the outside jobs.

I really miss you I hope I see you again. Are things still the same? I was wondering if anything had changed since I left? Sometimes I have night mares something bad happens to you. I am not sure I like it here anymore.

School is terrible here because everyone gets the strap there isn't really a way out of it. If the kids cry they will get the cane. It happens quite often. School is all's really hard and the teachers are really mean to them.

Sometimes things can be a boring because we have nothing fun to do. We sleep to try and have fun. Resting is what we all want at the end of the day.

By Zara

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

If I could be famous for any thing I would choose to

If I could be famous for anything I would choose to be a famous cricket player because I already play cricket. And I have grown up watching my brother play cricket as well as watching it on TV.  I have all's wanted to be a famous cricket player and play for the white ferns. When I play cricket it is fun so that is what I want to do for a job have a fun time with my friends.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

my math problem

Maeve had 1000 phone calls half of them were to Jt the othere half were to Samara how many phone calls did they get each?

Thursday, May 20, 2021

My old immigration poster


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My math problem

 Maeve had 10 lollies and she wanted to share it with Jt how many lollies do they get each.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My math problem

 If Maeve had 200 lollies and she wanted to share them with 100 people how many lollies would they get each?

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What sport is most popular

My question is what winter sport is the most popular?

I choose that question because at school people are choosing what winter sport they want to play.

I gathered this data by getting people to choose  what sport they like best and making a tally chart in my math book. Then inserting it into a google sheet and making this pie graph that is below.

I found out that bowls and football are the most popular winter sport.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My math problem

 Maeve had ten lollys and she wanted to share with 1 friend how many did they get each?   

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

My writing

 How should we treat animals

I think we should be kind to some animals and a little bit not nice to others. But not hurt ones that don't have to. So we still have bugs and things like that because they can help us in some ways like bees make honey for us and if there were no bees we would have no honey. You don't have to kill spiders just because they are in your house you can just take them outside.

Zara belong

I learnt what I belong to and connect to.  

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Empathy Village

We had to answer questions on the slates. And then we could decorate our house. With lofts, kitchens and bathrooms.  I visited number 17 and I found out that he liked playing sports and gaming.

I would have given him a gaming sports toy.

I decorated the inside of my house with a loft, a kitchen and a balcony. I have a sunflower field, a tree and a lake.  I used empathy in not breaking down other peoples houses. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mincraft monster mash up

 Our challenge  today on mincraft was a monster mash up I worked with my friend Maeve and we made a bird with a lion head and monkey legs.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

My favorite place in the world is?

 My favorite place in the world is in he gold coast because its really hot  and there are lots of water parks.

And also lots of spars. So when you get hot you can cool down.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Zara's pepeha

 I learned how to say my mountain correctly today.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My math problem

T here were 69 lollies in the lollie shop they had sold 20 lollies in the past week how many did they have at the start?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021